production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”


production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”


production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”

production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”

production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”


production eco-system for value creation, for the nation with local roots and global reach”
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Considering the many requests, the closing date will be extended to 25th August, 2021

Based on a policy decision by the government of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka Institute of Biotechnology (SLIBTEC) Private Limited was incorporated on 12 October 2020 as a government-owned company, with the Secretary to the Treasury being the sole shareholder bearing the Business Registration number PV 00228896. SLIBTEC Pvt. Ltd. was Gazette under the Ministry of Technology on 11 December 2020, SLIBTEC is based in Pitipana, Homagama since 2021, on completion of the infrastructure for supporting all components of SLIBTEC operations. Currently, SLIBTEC is gazatte under the Ministry of Science and Technology
SLIBTEC operations comprise of two components
News and Events
Advancing Next Generation Sequencing in South Asian Region: A Residential Workshop for International and Local Attendees
The field of genomics has seen significant advancement in recent years, with NGS playing a pivotal role in enabling large-scale and high-throughput genome sequencing.
Sri Lanka Regional Research Centre steams ahead
The Honorable Minister of Education of Sri Lanka, Dr. Susil Premajayantha, visits ICGEB Headquarters and laboratories in the Area Science Park, Trieste, Italy On 28 February 2024, ICGEB was delighted to receive the Honorable Minister of Education of Sri Lanka, Dr. Susil Premajayantha....
SLIBTEC signs MoU with ICGEB to be regional research centre for South Asia
The Sri Lanka Institute of Biotechnology (SLIBTEC) last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) for SLIBTEC to be the ICGEB Regional Research Centre for South Asia.
Treasury Secretary speaks out on Budget 2021, growth drivers and debt challenge
Treasury Secretary S.R. Attygalle in an exclusive interview with the Daily FT shares key insights into Budget 2021, its broader objectives and benefits and growth drivers as well as the thorny issue of debt challenge and downgrade of sovereign ratings by all leading agencies.
Bracing for biotech boom
Sri Lanka Institute of Biotechnology Park and the Research arm will be located on a 100 acre area assigned in Pitipana, Homagama where Sri Lanka Institute of Nano Technology (SLINTEC) is also housed
President vests biotech institute with ministry; reassigns six state bodies
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has issued a gazette vesting a medical body with a ministry for the first time and reassigning six state institutions with effect
Cabinet nod for first bio-tech innovation park in Homagama
Cabinet this week gave permission for the establishment of a bio-technology innovation park and bio-technology institute on 13.2 acres in Homagama. Plans have been drawn up to set up....
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at neque vitae est mollis placerat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at neque vitae est mollis placerat.